“Oh how I love the Theatre”

SO went to the Southampton’s Mayflower Theatre to review ‘SPAMALOT’  [the new musical ‘lovingly ripped off’ of Monty Python and the Holy Grail ] yesterday .I took my dad as my plus one.


We both enjoyed it and I realised how long it has been since I went to the Mayflower ( 1995, i think).

I enjoyed the production , mainly for its dedicated Pythonesque elements as opposed to the musical parts but all in all  a fun tine with, involuntary, unsolicited laughter.

I am not a huge fan of musicals, having attended and failed a Theatre Studies A-Level at Tauntons College almost twenty years ago but this one had a decent balance , may even consider heading back to Mayflower if something similar comes up.

I think I mainly enjoyed gong to see a show with my dad , actually.

Anyways, here said review . .http://onthescenemag.co.uk/spamalot-pythonesque-spirit-throughout-whole-production

The review even got a Retweet from cast member Richard Meek.

Southampton Solent Showcase.The City as a Muse.

So I took some pictures of the art exhibition hosted by Solent Showcase bringing four local artistes’ work together to celebrate the City of Southampton.

Each artist posed for a picture next to their exhibition pieces.

Knitted comforts by Jilly Evans

A portrait from the Ford Factory series by Greg Moss

Bus Drawings by Alys Scott Hawkins

Local artist Greg Gilbert held a impressive collection of ‘Biro’ ink sketches, his second Southampton exhibition this week.

Fusiliers a portrait ink sketch from Greg Gilbert

The Scale of the exhibition was visible to passers by outside as the art work  poured out into the adjacent Southampton High street

For more upcoming events and exhibitions please feel free to visit Solent Showcase website available here:


Iain Duncan Smith on trial

So its looks like my words are everywhere this week. The story I covered on a mock trial of Ian Duncan Smith, Tory MP and reaper of death the irreponsible ‘Benefits Sanction’ over the last year or so has finally erupted into public outcry. The upcoming Political party TUSC (Trade Union & Socialist Coalition) published my write-up on their Southampton Blog www.sotontusc.wordpress.com/2015/03/20/sanction-busting-fight-for-jobs-defend-the-welfare-state/ Amazingly it also made the ‘On the Scene’ Blog . . photos I took are below. www.onthescenemag.co.uk/the-trial-of-iain-duncan-smith IMG_9968 IMG_9990 IMG_0021 IMG_0022 IMG_0051 IMG_9935 IMG_9943 IMG_0060 IMG_0046