“Oh how I love the Theatre”

SO went to the Southampton’s Mayflower Theatre to review ‘SPAMALOT’  [the new musical ‘lovingly ripped off’ of Monty Python and the Holy Grail ] yesterday .I took my dad as my plus one.


We both enjoyed it and I realised how long it has been since I went to the Mayflower ( 1995, i think).

I enjoyed the production , mainly for its dedicated Pythonesque elements as opposed to the musical parts but all in all  a fun tine with, involuntary, unsolicited laughter.

I am not a huge fan of musicals, having attended and failed a Theatre Studies A-Level at Tauntons College almost twenty years ago but this one had a decent balance , may even consider heading back to Mayflower if something similar comes up.

I think I mainly enjoyed gong to see a show with my dad , actually.

Anyways, here said review . .http://onthescenemag.co.uk/spamalot-pythonesque-spirit-throughout-whole-production

The review even got a Retweet from cast member Richard Meek.