Philistines to Fascism

Recently I have noticed two separate incidents of mindless vandalism against public displays of art.

Both within a relatively short time.

Both within an even shorter distance.

The new ‘cultural quarter of Southampton‘ has been host to many examples of art and music and even increasingly more so since the completion of the million pound NST theatre complex.

Even before the arrival of homogeneous mainstream food franchises masquerading as symbolic multi-culturalism… There has always been a naturally occurring homegrown bohemia in the form of local businesses like Belgium & Blues and Mango. But none more dedicated to the  truly artistic idiom than the Art House.

Somewhere along the story, the corporate franchises,  local businesses,  the council and the will of Southampton’s artistic community joined forces and made something wonderful.

The conclusion to this is that many good things now happen in Southampton, in the name of ‘art’.

Now, to my point: Over the last week or so, I have seen two incidents of seemingly mindless destruction of  inoffensive artwork.


Art House wall before destroyed

The panel painted on the wall outside the Art House seems to have incited unwarranted destruction from some angry philistine:

ArtHouse damage


Arty dude1


These cheerful patrons were minding their own business.

Were they mouthing off?

Arty dude 2

Or were they looking at somebody the wrong way?

Art destroyed

Years ago our multi-colourful rhino trail took a bit of a battering too.

I am not saying Southampton high street is without any history of drunken anti social behavior. That would just be ridiculous but in the rise of the new cultural dawn… here we see elements of philistine mentality.

It is far too early to say but at the risk of sounding dramatic, continued destruction of public artworks.. is perhaps an early warning sign of of the rising tide of fascism?

Or just the usual Friday night piss head taking out their frustrations on something they don’t understand?

OR…. (*Spoilers* -cliche ahead) .. BOTH!?



[*Photos courtesy of Dave Hubble and Cat Eliza T )


Not much to say really but . . .

So I have just submit my FINAL MA Dissertation today.

For those of you who don’t know:

Two years ago…  I started a Masters Degree in Critical and Creative Analysis (Sociology) at Goldsmiths College, London.

When I started the course in late September 2016…I had only just finished my last MA at Southampton Solent University. CRAZY… See I had originally chosen Goldsmiths but couldn’t afford the tuition fees so took an offer at Solent, whilst I saved up ( which never works out)…I had also been working as an Intern at Solent … for 6 months … after finishing my  BA degree there in the summer of 2014. .

So I have actually been at University for 5 solid years (- minus the 3-5 months away in Autumn /Winter of ’14.

(I have had part time jobs throughout , obviously)

Now…all that time of reading… thinking… analysing… reflecting… writing.. and reading again….I really have NO idea what to do with myself…




“Oh how I love the Theatre”

SO went to the Southampton’s Mayflower Theatre to review ‘SPAMALOT’  [the new musical ‘lovingly ripped off’ of Monty Python and the Holy Grail ] yesterday .I took my dad as my plus one.


We both enjoyed it and I realised how long it has been since I went to the Mayflower ( 1995, i think).

I enjoyed the production , mainly for its dedicated Pythonesque elements as opposed to the musical parts but all in all  a fun tine with, involuntary, unsolicited laughter.

I am not a huge fan of musicals, having attended and failed a Theatre Studies A-Level at Tauntons College almost twenty years ago but this one had a decent balance , may even consider heading back to Mayflower if something similar comes up.

I think I mainly enjoyed gong to see a show with my dad , actually.

Anyways, here said review . .

The review even got a Retweet from cast member Richard Meek.

Southampton Solent Showcase.The City as a Muse.

So I took some pictures of the art exhibition hosted by Solent Showcase bringing four local artistes’ work together to celebrate the City of Southampton.

Each artist posed for a picture next to their exhibition pieces.

Knitted comforts by Jilly Evans

A portrait from the Ford Factory series by Greg Moss

Bus Drawings by Alys Scott Hawkins

Local artist Greg Gilbert held a impressive collection of ‘Biro’ ink sketches, his second Southampton exhibition this week.

Fusiliers a portrait ink sketch from Greg Gilbert

The Scale of the exhibition was visible to passers by outside as the art work  poured out into the adjacent Southampton High street

For more upcoming events and exhibitions please feel free to visit Solent Showcase website available here: