Jacob Meme Mogg ( Sorry it’s a bit late)

Last month sometime the victorian era Posh Tory MP Jacob Rees Mogg was pictured in the houses of Parliament during what should’ve been a lively political debate on Brexit.

Instead, he was caught slouched in the front row of seats, totally out of character but more importantly, seemingly careless in what is easily one of the most important debates of British political history.


Needless to say, people were not happy and the frustrated public expressed themselves in the only way worthy of vital political discourse these days:


By teatime the next day there was a wonderfully rich selection of memes to choose from, my personal favourites being these:


Some of them were topical:


Some of them political


Some of them were just purely educational:


Some of them were simply inspired:

Meme Mogg Pyramid

Something for the Sci-Fi fans:


Some of you may recall a while back when there was an outcry over installing metal spikes on pavements outside businesses in London.

So this Meme was a bit of callback:



The overall point is, people were not happy and vented on the internet using Memes. This is another example of how Memes are fast becoming less of a marketing tactic aimed at teenagers or on-trend clickbait and more about channelling an avenue for serious social issues.

There are plenty of social media groups that utilise Memes to carry their political agendas, such as the suspiciously left-wing Marxist Facebook group ‘Seizing the Memes of production‘ and the Twitter profile Meme Revolt

As people grow increasingly internet savvy and digitally literate, the scope of audiences for Memes will naturally grow, reaching outside of the hipsters and teenager demographics. Yet, with serious memes offering social critique, future generations will be indoctrinated into this fairly viable and sustainable way of political discourse.

Either way, they’re here to stay. Power to the people [Online].

The Metro did a best-of selection

Philistines to Fascism (Part II)

A recent hate crime in Southampton has shocked the local community to the core. Or certainly, those communities most socially conscious of diversity and LGBT rights.

The incident was a ridiculous own goal from suspects who are presumably natives or local to the city. The story has gone national with consequences of infamy that can only be damaging to those proud of Southampton. Or equally those hard-working people behind the cultural quarter, who tirelessly strive to raise the cultural and artistic profile of our home city.

The incident was first published by the NST theatre advising people of the resulting cancellation. Then the local echo ran it as a story. Naturally widespread national coverage resulted in the Beeb giving us their two cents.

Arguably a pattern from previous events of a similarly Philistine nature.


[Featured image photo courtesy of Dave Hubble]

Philistines to Fascism

Recently I have noticed two separate incidents of mindless vandalism against public displays of art.

Both within a relatively short time.

Both within an even shorter distance.

The new ‘cultural quarter of Southampton‘ has been host to many examples of art and music and even increasingly more so since the completion of the million pound NST theatre complex.

Even before the arrival of homogeneous mainstream food franchises masquerading as symbolic multi-culturalism… There has always been a naturally occurring homegrown bohemia in the form of local businesses like Belgium & Blues and Mango. But none more dedicated to the  truly artistic idiom than the Art House.

Somewhere along the story, the corporate franchises,  local businesses,  the council and the will of Southampton’s artistic community joined forces and made something wonderful.

The conclusion to this is that many good things now happen in Southampton, in the name of ‘art’.

Now, to my point: Over the last week or so, I have seen two incidents of seemingly mindless destruction of  inoffensive artwork.


Art House wall before destroyed

The panel painted on the wall outside the Art House seems to have incited unwarranted destruction from some angry philistine:

ArtHouse damage


Arty dude1


These cheerful patrons were minding their own business.

Were they mouthing off?

Arty dude 2

Or were they looking at somebody the wrong way?

Art destroyed

Years ago our multi-colourful rhino trail took a bit of a battering too.

I am not saying Southampton high street is without any history of drunken anti social behavior. That would just be ridiculous but in the rise of the new cultural dawn… here we see elements of philistine mentality.

It is far too early to say but at the risk of sounding dramatic, continued destruction of public artworks.. is perhaps an early warning sign of of the rising tide of fascism?

Or just the usual Friday night piss head taking out their frustrations on something they don’t understand?

OR…. (*Spoilers* -cliche ahead) .. BOTH!?



[*Photos courtesy of Dave Hubble and Cat Eliza T )


X-Men:Someone has trumped the apocalypse

As if impending worldwide annihilation wasn’t bad enough, someone has taken it the next level.

If you scroll down you can see the X-Men:Apocalypse trailer from my  X-Factor blog a few months ago.

Well, a very talented guy called Max Goodrich has revamped it by adding in clips of American presidential hopeful/less Donald Trump  . . creating a parody* with great detail to the potential consequences of a successful campaign victory.



*Perhaps a not totally unrealistic one at that.