The (Orange) Suit Project Ft. Riskology

So last Sunday night in Orange Rooms was special. For those that don’t know it; Orange is the jewel of Southampton’s prestigious Bedford Place crown. When you head there, you expect the usual hustle, bustle and dancefloor antics but tonight really felt a little bit different.

Seeing a stage full of hip hop performers as you walk through the doors is not unique or unexpected in Orange Rooms or even Southampton. However, the live spectacle of creative energy on display tonight would likely be a first time experience for anyone. The interaction of Live art London painting a canvas to music in motion with seamstress Ieva Poriete sat at the sewing machine, plugging away, singing to the lyrics and dancing along to the music, is a very unique and entertaining tour de force. Musical accompaniment comes in the form of several upcoming local music artists like Shannon Baker and Daniel Eagle all contributing to the Riskology Karma album launch. It was this impromptu choreography that had me thinking I had walked into a music video being filmed live. Indeed, there were camera crew to support this theory.

However, on closer inspection after a conversation with the night’s promoter, Mr J Fashole the event operated on a deeper artistic level.

So the artist painting the canvas has the medical condition synesthesia, where the person can see noise in colours and thus reconstructs this sensation in a visual, artistic context. Then the seamstress takes the content of that canvas and expresses it in the form of clothing. The process resting as a backdrop amid the live music is entertaining enough but as the event goes on, the synchronicity of the varying mediums of art begins to combine into some sort of cathartic circus. At first seemingly chaotic and divided but coming together to work under one huge narrative of expression.

I would say this effort gives Orange Rooms an almost bohemian glow tonight, slowly acquiring their own Arthouse credentials that will put them up there with… well, the Arthouse.


Disclaimer: The soundtrack to the video above was not a live recording from the album launch and added from Riskology’s Soundcloud, due to technical difficulties recording live. 


Introducing Mike Brown Illustrations

OK. So it’s been a few months since I’ve posted but now is good a time as any because I get to introduce the talented illustrations of Mike Brown, all thanks to his spanking new website ( available here).


Mike has been writing, performing and generally living music, art and culture for years. Browners has been running and playing live music events for nearly a decade now. He also does the illustrations for them, hence why he now has a website. The latest event is held weekly and you can attend here in Southampton.


Incidentally, if you are ever looking for free live music in Southampton then please feel free to join the local community group on Facebook.




Top 5 essential items for a music festival

So just got back from my 3rd Bestival and making up my list of things to remember for next year… After many years of wasteman festival outings, i’ve finally got the list down to a fine art.

Heres the essential items needed to get the most out of any live music outdoor camping festival.

  •   Wetwipes

Yep, trust me I learned the hard way and the multitude of uses these thing can have makes for an easier outdoor experience.

  • Beers [ lots ]

Obvious but they go quickly so try and get a crate at least. I’ve taken to mixing Captain Morgans with coke in small plastic  bottles; you can carry them with you and get it past security easier onto the main field.

  • Gig listings

Even if you have to pay for one, it’s worth it. You don’t want to miss anything. Yeah, ok your first few festivals are all about having a laugh and getting wasted with your mates, maybe some exploring but as times goes on you want to see as many live acts to get value for the ticket prices.

It’s also easier to see as any bands as you want at once instead of trying to each individual gigs throughout the year,

  • Cash

Cash is king and you will need it, even if you take food from home, it’s never enough. The chances are you get the munchies and eat it all or after a few beers in the main arena you will so hungry and have a huge walk back to your tent. The queue for the cashpoint are ALWAYS long so save yourself the time and carry lots of cash with you. If you’re worried you’re going to get robbed, my advice is stick in down you pants or under your pillow when you sleep.

  • Suncream

If like me you can get a tan through a window during a full moon (i.e. pale) then take sunscream.This saves you buying some at probably extortionate prices and  if its super hot you will be walking in it all day, adding insult to injury[or even sunburn].

Also try and get yourself a hat with a large shade.

ON the otherhand  wellies and a waterproof mac are vital if it’s pissing it down.