London Film & Comicon 2017.

After meeting Pamela Anderson in person, my head (and my heart) was in the clouds. Poignant teenage dreams aside we also had John Cleese, Kevin Smith, Dr  Who, McGyver and Natalie Dormer all under one roof. There were a plethora of stars and actors from DrWho, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Back to the Future, Star Wars (original trilogy and Rogue One). With enough money, you would be entertained for days. There was even a stand auctioning off Back to the Future ‘Hill Valley’ merch for the Michael J Fox Foundation charity.

My first ever Dr Who, Sylvester McCoy himself was there. What was even cooler was his hat was parked in the corner. Truly, the man is still a Timelord.

Behold the 7th Doctor . ..

Dr Who

. . .and his hat. (Blurry cos of sly second snap.)


I even got to chat with Missi Pyle very briefly (from Galaxy Quest, Dodgeball and Josie & the Pussycats). She was also stunning in person.

Missi Pyle gif

My ongoing mission is to get signatures for all of the illustrations in my Star Wars ‘Art of the Galaxy’  book. Sadly this year, greeting Carrie Fisher face to face for a signing is now a much a ‘remote’ possibility as Alec Guinness.

I missed the likes of Kevin Smith and Natalie Dormer (who looked stunning in person) and most of the Rogue One actors. I choose to focus instead on signings from the original trilogy but there were plenty of options:




There was also the standard excellence of Cosplay outfits:






All in all a great day, so many stars to meet if you have the money but you only pay £15-20 for entry and there’s tons of stuff to do for free. I highly recommend checking it out next time. You may remember the fun I had last year at the Star Wars celebration.

Here are samples of footage I collected of the event as the day went on.




Absolutely NOBODY is watching the Watchmen

Reality is worse than the Watchmen.

Alan Moore’s legendary graphic novel turned film ‘Watchmen’ is famous for it’s dark, gritty, anti-heroic dystopian perspective.It mocks the utopian ideology of Superhero comic books and juxtaposes it against real life history. Moore cleverly used real life 20th century historic examples peppered within the storyline to give it a quasi-realistic effect however it was always meant to be regarded as a work of fiction.

Bearing that in mind . . earth’s scientists have decided (mainly because of Trump) that we are closer to midnight than in the film . . by almost halfway.


The Doomsday clock in the Watchmen film being set to 5 – midnight.



The REAL Doomsday clock being set to 2.5 minutes to midnight.


I know we’vehad months to adjust and anticipate the daunting prospect (or lack of)  a Trump presidency, but still  . .  . . there is just no expecting this.


If a comparison of a real life event something from one of the most depressing,apocalyptic violent, nihilistic stories ever written isn’t enough of a warning to society in these most postmodern of times. . Then perhaps we should give up!
