MoMA – Museum of Modern Art in Manhatten.


My recent trip to New York for five days could not have been more action-packed.

To even entertain any hope of seeing all I wanted to see, meant staying on the island of Manhatten. A lot slipped through my fingers but visiting Van Gogh’s Starry Night’ was high up. I am glad to report that I made it.


I was even more pleasantly surprised from seeing what else the MoMA had to offer.

There was:

Salvador Dali


Frida Kahlo


Gustav Klimt


A whole room for Monet

MonetWall of Monet

Andy Warhol


Jackson Pollock



Picasso band


Russian propaganda posters



These Russian wartime propaganda posters reminded me of the posters for the V for Vendetta film.




There were also amazing views of Manhatten avenues leading up to Times Square.


MoMA view