Good Vs Evil.. Or.. How I learned to stop worrying about White Supremacy.

Here is how I see the American election business: – Politics is now measured on social aesthetic, like fashion and entertainment and thus, will repeat itself as it follows a recognisable pattern or even a pre-approved narrative much in the way of how spectator sports work. A very limited outcome resulting from a repetitive purpose.

If you wonder how someone like Trump coming into power could happen, then maybe it is because it plays out like a film, with the ‘good guys’ winning . . .i.e. the system.

Trump IS a dick and IS a phony. He tried to sire a spectator sport approach to serious political discourse, by heightening tension in political scenarios to create theatrical drama. The arena of Politics is always going to be contentious and contestable realm, so this is why political affairs are usually conducted with a calm and collected protocol. Trump attempts to remove these ‘stuffy’ procedures under the guise of fast and effective decision making. NO doubt in an attempt to reach the ‘everyman demographic who resent what they see ( or are told is) ‘ the oppressive regime.

In reality, what some might consider the stale nature of politics has evolved to be distanced and impersonal after centuries of conflict and bloodshed. Think of it this way: In the context of America history, the Civil War and War of Independence that gained freedom and liberty is simply a later reflection of how the ancient European wars shaped Europe.

After the 2020 Presidential elections, the old Good vs Evil parable is in full effect over the pond this week. The concept of Good Vs Evil is universally understood by all. However, the concept of the Myth was outlined by French writer Roland Barthes in his 1967 book Mythologies.

Here is an extract from his famous ”Wrestler‘ Myth’:

Barthes explores the myth of professional wrestling. He describes how, unlike in the sport of boxing, the aim of theatrical stunt fighting is not to discover who will win or ‘a demonstration of excellence’, it is a staged spectacle acting out society’s basic concepts of good and evil, of ‘Suffering, Defeat and Justice’. The actors pretending to be wrestlers, like characters in a pantomime, portray grossly-exaggerated stereotypes of human weakness: the traitor, the conceited…The audience expects to watch them suffer and be punished for their own transgressions of wrestling’s rules in a theatrical version of society’s ideology of justice.

Trump at WWE back in 2007

Roland Barthes was writing symbolically about how Wrestling is a ceremonial re-enactment of Good Vs Evil in American society. Trump has eliminated any claims of subtle symbolic gesture by legitimising such political behaviour on a very real and literal level. You could say, like American Wrestling, his brand of politics has been choreographed and scripted. The modern low cultural equivalent of a Theatrical plot and prescheduled as a narrative to follow. If not consciously then maybe subconciously, where spectators aren’t even fully aware of the cues that prompt them to react to a pre-established perspective as ‘truth’.

I wonder how many loyal Trump followers are WWE fans? If you wanted some form of academic authority then Naomi Klein writes a better elaborate explanation in Chapter #4 of her book ‘ No is Not Enough’ [2017].

I have always wondered at what level fans of WWE American Wrestling have understood ( or even cared) how real the fictional aspect of the sport is. I have spent hours wondering if people are simply choosing to passively absorb the ‘spectacle’ as enjoyment. It would be assume to conclude that spectators at wrestling events are disregarding the reality aspect, as an external quality that should not affect the continuity of the proceedings and hence, their enjoyment.

As a leisure activity? Fine.

As a means of assessing governance. Damn!

Infact, the masks the wrestlers wear in Barthes’ essay above may as well be symbolic of the Democrat and Republican party colours. Both participating in a tried formula to keep the eyes of the masses glazed over with spectacle. A distraction from the real work that goes on behind the scenes. Not to engage in a conspiracy theories but the ‘real work’ could actually just be the ordinary unimpressive menial bureaucracy that is expected from anyone who has ever worked in a civil service job. Trump promised to drain the swamp but knowing this was impossible, maybe he decided to create a pantomime that he can dissemble at will to manage the expectations of his audience. Or, maybe he actually believes the crazy shit he says.

Regardless, the wrestlers in Barthes’ essay may as well be Biden or Trump…following the motions of the reconstructed battle of Good Vs Evil.

I mean, Trump was ACTUALLY a wrestler in WWE don’t forget – See the “lost footage” ( sheesh) below.

Yet, who is Good and who is Evil?

Are all Trump’s supporters truly evil? I would imagine the religious in his ranks don’t think so. What about the armed militias .. groups like the Proud Boys? Are they homogenous and expendable legions like the Imperial Stormtroopers from Star Wars? They are people, with lives and freewill. Also, as it turns out. citizens in a democracy that values equality for all. By the logic of their own ideology and their Christian pastors endorsement of Trump’s religious ( or at least) political messiah status. How can this not enforce Trumps own narcissistic view that he is the one being persecuted. I am sure Slavjoy Zizek’s might say they were set up to fail by their own ideology.

Look at these pictures of loyal religious Trump supporters ( of diverse ethnicity) praying and holding him almost fanatically. This does not look like the Emperor from Star Wars?!

If this is NOT ‘Good, then how can it be ‘Evil?’

Evangelical Pastors in group prayer with Trump Oct 2019.
African American supporters praying in Feb 20.

Isn’t it interesting how the narrative of the Bible follows very similar narratives to American wrestling: Good Vs Evil. Is this because this is the founding moral principle behind the entire Christian ( and western) civilisation.

To continue the game, the next administration will likewise be milking this winning ‘Good’ mask for years to come. Trump’s quote about ‘ fine people on both sides( famously referencing White Supremacists ) probably seems neutral and unbiased from the perspetives of his white, rural American Christian fanbase.

Trendy liberal Uncle Joe (or Communist, depending who you speak to ) seems to respect the factual reality of what Antifa are ( quoting the definition from the head of the Trump’s FBI aloud in their TV debate).

Trump retorted back (in the same TV debate) that ‘ somebody needs to do something about ‘those Antifa lot’. Which, I found hilarious considering this was the President of the United States talking, seemingly already delegating responsibility in a callback to his former SEO Apprentice career.

The actual moment was shadowed by Trump’s refusal to condemn hardcore Trump supporters and the Right (White) Wing militia ‘Proud Boys’ in his now immortal sound byte; Stand back and stand by“.

The middle ground will look different to both parties but it will still land somewhere in the middle of a very large area. One that is tailored from the perspective of American society i.e. white people.

Despite Biden’s strong African American fanbase, you have to wonder where the people in the BLM movement see themselves in this ‘ middle ground’.

Biden is already making speeches about protecting the very system that continues to profit off the social capital that African Americans were robbed off. The very same system that may still designated wealth in the form fo compensation to the relatives of people who owned slaves. When the slaves were freed, there was no paper trail. They did NOT get P45s or backdated holiday pay as far as I know.

The only reason it’s easy to say all this is because of how brazen Trump was but how many have got caught up and are now going to be disenfranchised with politics. That is a GREAT way of keeping people down… no matter how crazy and uninformed they are.

Countless French philosophers have been writing about the futility of an imperfect ‘one size fits all ‘ political system that caters for a post-imperial capitalist society. One that is mainly populated by what people for white people. It is best brought to life in the Saturday Night Live sketch below by Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock:

The system WAS broke but has it ever really been fixed?
Essentially Biden removing Trump benefits the American status quo and statistically, we all know what ‘demographic’ they fall into.

Despite the outpouring of congratulatory gratitude coming from Obama and Al Sharpton’s Twitter, it feel more like the end of the Armageddon movie than the dismantling of systematic white oppression. This screenshot of a Huffington Post article titled ‘ Black People React To The Defeat of The Racist Donald Trump’ kind of feels less 2020 and more 1960s.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is huffpost-victory-article.jpg
Like an extract from a 19th century Anthropology textbook. Is this Liberal MAGA?

As a middle aged white guy I like Joe Biden. Sure I trust him. I liked and trusted Obama or Hilary because they had experience but wouldn’t it better to read about ‘The first Black President introducing the First Black Female VP than: ‘The first Black Female VP serving the White guy who served the First Black President. Does American politics really need a multicultural chaperone? Some form of racial continuity buffer?

Now again, ask yourself: Why something like Trump could happen?

If you WANT to get rid of white supremacy then look yourself in the mirror when you do and stop listening to all the virtue signalling.

Remember, in the Star Wars movies, they always build another Death Star.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is deathstar2.jpg

. . . .All of this within the very same system of white supremacy we need to dismantle.

Cobra Kai: YouTube ‘Show No Mercy’

When I first saw the movie trailer for Cobra Kai last year I was very excited. I grew up in the 80’s so The Karate Kid was more than just a film, it was an ideology. I  even remember trying the ‘Dannyboy’s crane shit’  in a schoolyard fight. Of course, it didn’t work . . everyone had seen the film by then.

I did think Cobra Kai might arrive as a film coming to cinemas. The failures of previous films since made me thing they had finally realised a return to the original formula would bring back the loyal fanbase.

I was not expecting multiple TV episodes . . I was expecting it on Netflix, or YouTube .

. . .I was certainly NOT expecting to pay for it on YouTube.

The first two episodes are free and as wicked as you could hope, offering refreshingly alternative views on what has always been an old-fashioned  Us.vs.Them saga. For me, the original film was a metaphor of the toxicity of American foreign military campaigns and wars.  It was about the ongoing systematic oppressive violence and bullying in western society that contradicted the true meaning of marital arts. That meaning is a pacifist ideology that instils self discipline, self-confidence and this always seemed obvious to me. The film wasn’t just about the nerd getting the hot girl and kicking the school bully’s ass.  It was about accomplishment and balancing yourself within nature.

It was about the look on Miyagi’s face in the closing freeze frame.



Cobra Kai adapts to the new globalised world order well though, incorporating some Nietzschean style perspectivism, pitting both sides of the story together and really questioning the open ended balance of humanity. There are even some subtle Trump supporter nuances, which we can all appreciate.

The price isn’t extortionate, especially in this day and age compared to the cinema or online film rental prices. But it does make me wonder if YouTube are heading down the same road as Netflix, trying to take on Hollywood. 

Absolutely NOBODY is watching the Watchmen

Reality is worse than the Watchmen.

Alan Moore’s legendary graphic novel turned film ‘Watchmen’ is famous for it’s dark, gritty, anti-heroic dystopian perspective.It mocks the utopian ideology of Superhero comic books and juxtaposes it against real life history. Moore cleverly used real life 20th century historic examples peppered within the storyline to give it a quasi-realistic effect however it was always meant to be regarded as a work of fiction.

Bearing that in mind . . earth’s scientists have decided (mainly because of Trump) that we are closer to midnight than in the film . . by almost halfway.


The Doomsday clock in the Watchmen film being set to 5 – midnight.



The REAL Doomsday clock being set to 2.5 minutes to midnight.


I know we’vehad months to adjust and anticipate the daunting prospect (or lack of)  a Trump presidency, but still  . .  . . there is just no expecting this.


If a comparison of a real life event something from one of the most depressing,apocalyptic violent, nihilistic stories ever written isn’t enough of a warning to society in these most postmodern of times. . Then perhaps we should give up!


#DumpTrump: The anti-trump inauguration rally.

So it was a depressing day already, even after years of anticipation as we witnessed Donald Trump sworn into American presidency.

The more positive vibe of today was set when I arrived at Goldsmiths University to find this mural gathering a crowd outside in true anti-trump inauguration spirit.                           A creative display that summed up the theme of the day.

Inside the university Trump’s inauguration was being played live. Aside from a few disgusted students looking on, there was little interest. As I couldn’t attend the inauguration protest in Southampton, I decided to head to the one outside the American Embassy in Grosvenor square.

I am glad I did because the atmosphere was totally electric.

As I approached the embassy I could hear the music and a crowd already gathered outside with a party in full swing. There was a rousing speech and a festival vibe throughout as everyone shared their defiance of the harrowing developments of the day.

I heard singing and thought ‘that’s nice’ but didn’t realise until the next day it was Lily Allen singing in front of me:


Lily Allen’s new video

Lily used a lot of event footage for the video of her cover of Rufus Wainwirght’s ‘Going to a town. I couldn’t find myself in the vid but everythign loks much better in black and white/



I was only expecting some form of static picket line protest but then within half hour of being outside the embassy, the activist led us into a march that took us through Oxford Street to Piccadilly Circus before arriving back to the embassy.

It was one of the most active marches I can recall and there was strong reception and approval from the passing traffic with the majority of Bus and Taxi drivers honking their horns enthusiastically.

It was nice to feel the unity and realise not everyone had succumbed to that level of backward thinking. I met a few people were happy to be pictured getting involved.

Here’s a link to the complete route we took on the march to give you some idea of the activity. There’s another you can join on 18th March. #DumpTrump

X-Men:Someone has trumped the apocalypse

As if impending worldwide annihilation wasn’t bad enough, someone has taken it the next level.

If you scroll down you can see the X-Men:Apocalypse trailer from my  X-Factor blog a few months ago.

Well, a very talented guy called Max Goodrich has revamped it by adding in clips of American presidential hopeful/less Donald Trump  . . creating a parody* with great detail to the potential consequences of a successful campaign victory.



*Perhaps a not totally unrealistic one at that.