About the gingerscriber:Hear me [click] Rant and Rave

Hello, I’m Gingerscriber and this is my verbal scrapbook.

Ginger thoughtbubble

I am an aspiring writer looking to inflict the fleeting consciousness of my lucid, temperamental melancholy mind onto the internet,  . . in a bright Garamond font.

Points of interests:

1) I really don’t know what I’m doing. Bear with me.

2) Having said that, I still think I can work my way into writing for a living, with just having a degree in Promotional Media from Southampton Solent University and some creative industry experience as a paid blog writer.

3) I have a razor sharp wit but I am also clumsy * OW* . .  see, I just cut myself on my razor sharp wit.

4) I’m not funny.

5) No, seriously, chances are you are laughing at me, not with me.

6) Most of my Blogs will revolve around my desire to travel and said potential travel experiences.

7) Lucky number seven.

8) I’m probably not your type . . (unless your type is ‘Garamond’?)

9) So that’s it, hope you keep on reading and maybe the odd post here and there.

PLEASE CLICK on the ‘Rant & Rave’ button for more.

Remember :




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